Sabtu, 18 Februari 2023

Starting a new habit

Nov 15th, 2022:

I am starting my hiatus status on Facebook and Instagram. 

I hope it makes me feel much better.

Dec 2022:

Well, it is fine actually, and ya. I feel calmer without social media. 

Jan mid-2023:

I think it is okay to see a little bit of my IG or Facebook. hehe..

Jan end, 2023:

I do it on and off my IG and set it without notification. So I am not worried about any messages, besides.. no important messages on IG anyway. While FB I open it up sometimes. 

Feb week 2nd, 2023:

My IG is fully active and still without notification. I am happy with that. 

... and really.. this is something that is so unimportant for anybody to know. I am writing crap. 


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