Selasa, 30 April 2013

Tweets of Jilbab
What do you expect to share your thought in only 140 characters? Some smart guys give a kultwit by making numbers for every tweet. Their tweets are enlightening peoples by their smart chosen words, so amazing. Twitter is a place to share your opinion or everything to speak your mind on your own private wall. But, we are not alone there, maybe few peoples who care or take a little attentions will read your tweets and give many reactions depend on their interest. People who can share many interesting issues must have read a lot, a lot of books. Well here, because i don't read a lot, so .. i just can share uninteresting issues with only few words. Hehe...  

Yesterday, i tweeted about my thought of hijab or jilbab. Here are my tweets:
  • Waktu gw kuliah, bokap gw bilang: "ga usah pake jilbab ndok, hatinya aja yg dijilbabin". Bokap gw cool bgt. Itu 14an tahun yg lalu.
  • Kalau bokap gw masih hidup di jaman skrg,mgkn beliau akan setuju sama gw,kl jilbab ya sama aja dg orang pake bando atau konde. Hy aksesoris.
  • Ga bisa menilai kesalehan dari jilbab,begitu juga jangan menilai berjilbab buruk karena orang tsb memakai celana n baju ketat. Biasa ajalah.
  • Buat gw sih yg penting bagaimana perilakunya,ga rugiin orang atau bermanfaat itu lebih bagus. Perkara religiusitas, monggo disimpan sendiri. 

Those words came from my reaction after i saw the front page of daily newspaper (Kompas, Monday April 29th 2013). I saw Angel Elga wears hijab for legislative prospective candidate (red-calon legislatif-caleg). But the previous day or in Sunday, I read Kompas comic that show about the trend of hijab. First, a girl was passing three boys, she was wearing a sexy dress. Then that girl back again but with the different costume, which is look like a muslim clothing plus a hijab. And then the boys asked her where she was going to go. The girl answered that she wanted to be a caleg.

After many thoughts in my mind, then i wrote those tweets via twitter.Then few reactions were coming, i got some attentions and a critic, i loved it. Thank you twitter.  


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