Minggu, 21 April 2013

Hello _ First Posting

This is the first time i write my thoughts in English language. It is not because i have no time to do it, but it is because I have no confidence to do it. Everybody can says that you just need practices by keep talking and/or writing to improve your English. It sounds easy, but honestly it was not that easy for me. If i had had enough knowledge (grammar and vocabularies), then i could have spoken or written English fluently, but i didn't have enough knowledge. And now, i would not need more practices if i mastered the English language. Knowledge helps me build my confidence. I am not a person that have a confidence, naturally. That is why i have been taking an English course for eight mounts, seriously to know learn about grammar in deep.

Just like a quote: "it is never too late to learn". I keep that words, to step ahead until i reach my aim. So this is the actualization's place, to practices and there will be so many mistakes in grammar and wording that you'll find. Beside that maybe the sentences are more Indonesian English (if you know what i mean).

My teacher said that you had to think in English about everything on your mind. She warned me not to think in Indonesian language then you translate it, but do it in verse. All of that would be the easiest way to learn quick. 

Well, yes, maybe it is too late for my age. But, It is not easy to confess your lack. At least, learning to keep learning is a bliss.


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