Senin, 19 Juli 2021

Anti-thesis: The Words!

Not everything happens for a reason. 

Sometimes life just sucks.

Alexa Chung

I wrote Marylin Monroe's quote in 2016 that "everything happens for a reason". At that time, I tried to believe that people should be wise in seeing every moment of their life to pursue happiness. 

Recently, we have seen so much grieve and unpleasant news as our daily consumption. This causes us pain and loss. Some people who still have the privilege of having a job, nice family and neighbors and money, may not feel the same way with people who don't have those privileges. People with the privilege still have a choice to be grateful for what they have, even tho they also lose someone.

Those people who don't have one of those privileges, they are just unlucky. Life sucks for them. Stop right here. 


The story might be different if we change our perspective, such as hope. 



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