Sabtu, 20 September 2014


My Sia
Miaow.. miaow.. miaoww
day one...
she laid down on the second floor
I just could put a milk and a water near her
didn't know what to do

Miaow.. miaow..miaoww
day two..
she moved a little, now she's near the condenser
she was looking for a warm place (I guess)
I only could see her body, no brave to touch

Miaow.. miaow.. miaoww
day three..
Gosh.. why she's still there
so limp and unhealthy
where's her mom

I decided to adopt her
tried to feed her
then I touched her for the first time
her face so cute, reassuring me

I put this little creature on a warm box with a gentle cloth
I gave this kitten a milk
at least now she has a mom
I and my husband love her
We gave her a milk, alternately

day four.. she was so weak
I rubbed her while feeding her
but her body was getting worse

day five.. i took her to the office
to make sure i could feed her anytime

in the afternoon,
when i rubbed her and trying to give her a milk
she took a long breath
then she passed away

yes.. it was so sad
in the evening i buried her
with my on hand

Sia was her name
eventhough just a moment we were together
but the memories are standing still
good bye Sia


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Generasi Roti Lapis?!

Di kamus ada istilah breadwinner yang artinya anggota keluarga yang pendapatannya sebagai sumber utama untuk mendukung kebutuhan keluarga. J...