Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Today's Life

Don’t judge a book from its cover. Everybody know about this proverb. But to keep positive in this wild world is not that easy. One thing (maybe) another challenge is to hold your hand not typing your sounds of mind.

Letting people know your condition seems beatify. Nowadays, social media really works as a diary book without secret. I cant stand with people who love to scold or cursing in a virtual world but act such a nice person in the real life. I try to avoid that person.

Does it mean I snoop? No.. I read from my wall, those statements just passed through my eyes whenever I scrolled down the page.

Yes.. this is an expression of thought too.. also a diary. Well then, I am a part of those people. This could be means that I am being in a "list of those that should be avoided". 


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