Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017
Pain and Gain
There is an idiom says that no pain no gain. It seems so optimistic. The words telling us to keep going on something, until you realize that you already get what you want. There is a prize that you pay from your sacrifice, and you are not a victim of your own goal, you are what you do, and for sure that you will get what you want.
Despite all of those aspirations, have you ever though about other version of pain and gain meaning? Like example, a thought to answer these questions: do we know how much we will get after all the effort, how high we try, how hard we work, how big the result that we will get. Then can we get satiscation, or do we know what do we really need.
We all born unique, i mean we bring all the stuff differently from others. But we have to thankfull of what we are, no matter what. Right?
Then we try our best to be a better person or to be a person who we expected or the worst is that we try the best to be a person that someone else expected. Yeah.. sounds silly.
We all not born in a good situation, good looking, nice place and a great wealth. Everybody knows it.
I just want to say that not all pain is gain. It is just a pain without any gain. Just a pain, and we don't need to expect about gain. Just a pain. I know that a hope is an oxygen of life, but hoping too much will kill you. I mean not like a kill that make you die, but kill your logic and raise your misery.
We only have to cope with the pain. That's it. How about gain? it is a bonus. Yeah, BUT you have to know, that there is no certainty in a bonus.
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