Happiness doesn't always come all the time in this earth. Sometimes, when we get any trouble or just a sudden swing mood because a hormonal imbalance (especially woman), then the blues comes. Feeling blue or gloomy must happens to all people, although the intensity of each person must be different. So, what we gonna do if that feeling comes? do we want to keep in that miserable feeling and get exhausted? Or realize that we have to wake up and do something to erase all the bad mood?
Well, here is the top nine (9) to do when you are feeling blue, based on my experience:
1. Read
Only if you like reading, then you can choose the themes that can raise your mood. This activity diverts your mind to something that far away from your gloomy and drowning you into a new thought. I have my own list themes that i should read, can be a novel, fancy column in the newspaper, favorite website, great blog, or etc. Of course you can make your own list, can be beneficial in case just for killing time or can be your medicine when you get sorrow.
2. Take a bath
Taking a bath cleans a mesh on your body (literally) and a burden of your mind (not literally) in a psychological way, also it freshens up. You can modify with some tricks, such as do scrub before shampoo; soak your feet with warm salt water; shower your hair; soak in warm water or in aromatherapy bath.
3. Eat an ice cream
Who can resist an ice cream? the answer is probably no one. An ice cream will put you in an enjoyable moment. Go to a market and choose the flavor that match with your taste at that time, or you can try a new one to get the experience.
4. Eat chocolate
This is not a priority to erase the gloomy, but you must try. If you know the most delicious chocolate ever, find it, get it and enjoy it.
5. Contemplating
Refresh your mind by throwing all the bad things of yours. Filling it with a wise and a kind things. Take a positive energy from the universe by inhale and exhale rhythm. Also suggest your mind that you are an open minded person. Embrace yourself. If you are a religious one, you can do pray.
6. Sightseeing or window shopping
You can do this activity by going to mall or just browsing in internet. You don't have to buy any goods that can make you happy, you just have to fulfill your mind with the new catalog and satisfy or wander your thought with fantasy.
7. Do your hobby/es
First, you have to recognize your hobby. Then second, be creative with the things that be your passion. Admit that you are really talented. This things make you floating in fun and enjoyment.
8. Writing
You can do just scratch in your gadget or laptop about what you are thinking. It helps you identify the source of your sorrow, why it comes, and how to solve it. Or you can try to writing something fantastic. But...before you write something good, you better charge your brain with knowledge. Come on.. a lot of things that you don't know. So wake up lady! Read and write!
If you are in a condition in being a hater, then try to write a good things of yourself, about your life, and be grateful with what you have.
9. Sleep
Yes, this can work if you are tired and also sleepy. So you can wake up in being a new you.
Well... guys.. see.. you can do many things to cheer up your soul. These are just a few that you got from my experience. There are still a lot of things to do, such as mingle with your lovely family or best friend, watch the movie, cooking, cleaning out your closet, or else. Have your own experience to get rid off the blues and bye-bye the gloomy.
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