Senin, 10 Mei 2021


to yourself:

Love yourself cos it is the only one you need in life.

Do not ever expect something in return, unless it is a business thing.

Create your own sweet solitude to embrace your wild mind and fantasy.


in bad-tempered:

You just need time to dilute your anger. Hold your breath and release it slowly through your mouth, to control your finger and mouth.

When you feel blue, just go get a shower. It heals your sorrow. A hot shower will be nicer :)


manage perception:


It is lost for a few people. 

For some, they don't know the meaning of it. 

For a very little piece.. they are struggling to keep what best they can do for life."

Some people are cruel and they don't know they're cruel.



Generasi Roti Lapis?!

Di kamus ada istilah breadwinner yang artinya anggota keluarga yang pendapatannya sebagai sumber utama untuk mendukung kebutuhan keluarga. J...